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Resource Hub (146 results)

International Organisation Resource

Seminar Report "New approaches in the preparation of curricula and standards for history teaching in secondary schools in Armenia" (Tzakadzor, Armenia, 26-27 May 2003)

Susan Bennett   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
curricula reform, history curricula, standards, Council of Europe, European Commission, South Caucasus

International Organisation Resource

Seminar Report "New interactive methods in teaching history in secondary schools in Georgia" (Gudaury, Georgia, 26-27 May 2003)

Susan Bennett   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
Caucasus, European Commission, Council of Europe, Democratic Stability in South Caucasus, Georgia, Gudaury, interactive methods, seminar

International Organisation Resource

Seminar Report "Regional Seminar on “Teaching the beginning of World War II"", Bled, Slovenia, 18-20 October 2001

Jelka Razpotnik   •   Council of Europe   •   2001

Individual Resource
World War II, Second World War, Stability Pact, Enhanced Graz Process, Council of Europe, Multiperspectivity, Reconciliation, Democracy, Balkans

International Organisation Resource

Seminar Report "Regional Workshop on “Developing new history textbooks” & National Seminar on “Textbooks and Teaching materials: the development and use in the classroom”(Belgrade, Serbia, 4-7 November 2003)

Heike Karge   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
Textbooks, Belgrade, Multiperspectivity, Council of Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sweden, Regional history, post-Yugoslav space, Regional cooperation, European dimension in history teaching

International Organisation Resource

Seminar Report "Teaching History in Serbia" (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 21-22 January 2023)

Benny Christensen   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, History teaching, Srbija, Србија

International Organisation Resource

Seminar Report "The reform of history teaching in Azerbaïjan: curricula, textbooks and teacher training" (Baku, Azerbaïjan, 27-29 April 1998)

Susan Bennett   •   Council of Europe   •   1998

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, history teaching, reform, curricula, textbooks, teacher training

International Organisation Resource

Seminars on 1939-1989. Half a Century living with Communism. Bulgaria Sofia, Hotel Serdika, 6 – 7 June 2005 Rousse, Hotel Bistra & Galina 9 – 10 June 2005. Seminar report.

Kostadin Grozev   •   Council of Europe   •   2005

Individual Resource
Bulgaria, Democratic Citizenship, Competences for Democratic Culture, Council of Europe, Communism, EuroClio

International Organisation Resource

Shared histories for a Europe without dividing lines

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2014

Individual Resource
teaching pack, multiperspectivity, historical empathy, historical sources, education, human rights, history of art, industrial revolution, colonization, world war, museum, historical sites, communism, Europe, European history, European dimension

International Organisation Resource


Council of Europe   •   2015

Individual Resource
Europe, Council of Europe, Intergovernmental Programme, Dissemination, Evaluation, Impact, Industrialisation, Human Rights, Art History, World History, European History, Education

International Organisation Resource

SHARED HISTORIES FOR A EUROPE WITHOUT DIVIDING LINES. Final conference in Vienna, 9-10 April 2014. Results and Conclusions

Council of Europe   •   2014

Individual Resource
Vienna conference, Shared histories for a Europe without dividing lines, First World War, World War I, Council of Europe, Education, World History, Human Rights, Industrialisation

International Organisation Resource

Stability Pact

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
Stability Pact, EU, Council of Europe, Balkans

Learning Materials for Teachers

Statues for Equality

Gillie Schattner & Marc Schattner   •   Statues for Equality

equality, gender, statues, women's history, gender history, discrimination, women in politics, art, monuments, public space, gender equality, artists

International Organisation Resource

Summary of panel discussion on history teaching and memorialization processes. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

UN High Commissioner forHuman Rights   •   2014

Individual Resource
United Nations, UNHCHR, memorialization, memorialisation, history teaching, conflict, reconciliation, human rights education

International Organisation Resource

Symposium on “Globalisation and Images of the Other: challenges and new perspectives for History Teaching in Europe?” / Symposium sur « Mondialisation et images de l’autre : défis et nouvelles perspectives pour l’enseignement de l’histoire en Europe ? »

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe / Conseil de l'Europe & IRCICA   •   2008

Individual Resource
Globalisation, The "Other", Identity and Alterity, Intergovernmental Programme, Council of Europe, Mondialisation, Images de l'Autre, Alterité, Identité, Conseil de l'Europe

Learning Materials for Teachers

Tarr's Toolbox: Resources and Strategies for History Classes

Russel Tarr, Head of History, International School of Toulouse   •   2024

History class resources, Materials, Lesson Plans, Quizzes, Role Play, Blog posts, Essay Writing, Debate, Gamification, Data Visualisation

Learning Materials for Teachers

Teacher’s Guide – Learning to Disagree

EuroClio; Georg Eckert Institute; Edukacija za 21. vek; Maynooth University; The Mount   •   EuroClio   •   2020

Individual Resource
Multiperspectivity, Dissensus, Debate, Classroom Teaching, Disagreement, Conflict Management, Sensitive Histories, Controversial Histories, Assessment, Civic competences, Social competences, Dialogue

International Organisation Resource

TEACHING 20TH CENTURY WOMEN’S HISTORY: A CLASSROOM APPROACH A teaching pack designed for use in secondary schools

Ruth Tudor, Elena Osokina & Philip Ingram   •   Council of Europe   •   2000

Individual Resource
Classroom Materials, Council of Europe, gender history, women's history, equality, family history, history of work, history of war, women in politics, emancipation, women's rights, classroom materials, teaching materials

International Organisation Resource

Teaching about the communist era in the 21st century.” European Seminar for Educational Staff Sinaia, Romania (3-5 May 2001)

Mihea Manai   •   Council of Europe   •   2001

Individual Resource
History Teaching, Communism, Council of Europe, Sinaia, Report, Seminar, Recommendations, Conclusions

Learning Materials for Teachers

Teaching Material to Adress Antisemitism (for Serbia) / Nastavni materijal za borbu protiv antisemitizma (za Srbiju)

Milan Koljanin, Milovan Pisarri, Miško Stanišić, Aleksandar Todosijević   •   NGO TERRAFORMING   •   2016

Individual Resource
Holocaust, Anti-Semitism, Jews, Jewish History, Antisemitizam, Jevreji, Serbia, Srbija, Nation and State Building, Srednji vek, Ottomansko carstvo, Osmansko carstvo, Roma, Porajmos, Nazi Germany, Persecution, OSCE

Learning Materials for Teachers

Teaching Strategies: Sharing European Histories

Multiple Authors   •   EuroClio

European History, Remembrance, Commemoration, Historical Figures, Continuity and Change, Objects, Object Biographies, Global History, Local History, Controversial Histories, Public Space, Museum Exhibition, Teaching Practices