Resource Hub (146 results)
International Organisation Resource
Viet Nam’s comments to the unedited copy of the report of the Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights : addendum
Government of Viet Nam • United Nations General Assembly • 2015
Individual Resource
United Nations, UN Human Rights Council, UN General Assembly, Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights, Viet Nam, history teaching, history education, government comments
International Organisation Resource
Webinar Recording: Decolonizing the teaching of Africa’s history
UNESCO • 2023
Individual Resource
colonialism, de-colonization, post-colonialism, history teaching, Africa, UNESCO, United Nations
Learning Materials for Teachers
What would we miss
Multiple Authors
Holocaust education, TOLI, Jewish history, Riki Levi, Srbija, Stanislav Vinaver, Ludvig Frišveld, Isidor Papo, Ženi Lebl, Ida Sabo, Đorđe Lebović, Eva Panić Nahir, Rahela Ferari, Frida Filipović, Rafailo Blam, Oto Bihalji Merin
Learning Materials for Teachers
Why, How: Guidebook on Teaching History
Arthur Chapman & Paradigma Foundation • Paradigma Foundation • 2020
Individual Resource
Guidebook, History teaching, multiperspectivity, historical thinking, Armenia
Historical Sources Regarding History Education
Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg Eckert Institute
History textbooks
Learning Materials for Teachers
Zwischentöne – Materialien für Vielfalt im Klassenzimmer
Leibniz-Institute for Educational Media / Georg-Eckert-Institute
Education for democracy, human rights education, education for diversity, Diversität, Vielfalt, minorities, Minderheiten, Geschlechtergeschichte, Roma history, Jewish history, Jüdische Geschichte